venerdì 22 novembre 2013

International Law and Palestinians

How to Make International Law Work for Palestinians

Al-Shabaka Commentary
International law is not a self-executing set of rules that automatically brings justice. It is shaped by politics and used for political aims. Used in this way, international law has contributed to the ongoing oppression and fragmentation of the Palestinian people. When combined with the existing Oslo framework, it has been selectively used to pursue an unfair land-for-peace formula while covering up the ongoing Israeli colonization, confiscation and annexation of Palestinian land and oppression of the Palestinian people. It has specifically omitted the right of return of millions of Palestinians living as refugees around the world, and provided the basis of a framework for international aid that only serves to further entrench Israel’s prolonged occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. Yet Palestinians should not turn their back on international law because – if used appropriately – it can serve as an effective tool for the oppressed.

What’s Wrong With International Law

An examination of the currently dominant International Humanitarian Law (IHL) shows why it alone is insufficient or even detrimental for a strategy that seeks to overcome Palestinian fragmentation and the lack of accountability to the entire set of Palestinian rights.1
  • IHL is applicable only to the part of mandate Palestine occupied in 1967, commonly referred to as OPT; it does not protect all Palestinians and is silent on the right to self-determination.
  • IHL applies to temporary, short-term occupation. Under IHL, such occupation is legal as long as the rules of IHL are respected. The occupying power is granted authority to establish a regime that may limit human rights for reasons of military necessity, security and public order.
  • Exclusive focus on IHL suggests that Israel’s regime in the OPT is a regime of lawful, temporary occupation. This has given rise to an international aid enterprise that mitigates the humanitarian impacts of the Israeli occupation and questions the legality of certain Israeli practices rather than the occupation itself. The responsibility to protect the rights of the entire Palestinian people, in particular the right to self-determination, and to ensure Israeli respect of its international obligations, is relegated to the power politics of United States and European-led peace diplomacy.
The further shortcomings of the dominant political and legal paradigms are manifest in the 20 years of peace diplomacy based on the Oslo framework that was to be valid for only five years. The division of administrative and governmental responsibilities for the OPT into Areas A (Palestinian), B (joint Palestinian-Israeli), and C (Israeli), was a framework that gave license to Israel for the permanent acquisition/annexation and colonization of Palestinian land and the establishment of separate legal regimes for Jewish settlers versus occupied Palestinians in the West Bank.
With UN Security Council Resolution 242 (1967) being the only reference to international law in the framework established for peace negotiations and diplomacy, there is also no legal framework to hold Israel – and other states – accountable to their obligations vis-à-vis the rights of the Palestinian people. The Resolution establishes that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, are occupied territory and that they are not – and can never become – Israeli territory, and that Israeli withdrawal was a requirement for peace. However, the Resolution does not even mention the Palestinians and their United Nations-recognized rights under international law.
Peace diplomacy on the basis of UN Resolution 242 is limited solely to the question of the future status of the part of Palestine that was occupied in 1967. It excludes the majority of the Palestinian people living in Israel or as refugees around the world and seeks to obtain bilateral agreements that ignore and violate international law. Palestinian negotiators are expected to terminate all claims against Israel, and to recognize the status quo Israel has created in the part of Palestine it conquered in 1948, in exchange for Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied in 1967 (the so-called land for peace formula). The recent admission of Palestine to the UN as a non-member observer State does not change but rather affirms the Oslo paradigm.2

How to Better Apply International Law

The above limitations of IHL and the ways in which international law could be used to guide a new Palestinian strategy were the focus of a major international conference held at the Birzeit University’s Institute of Law in May 2013 that brought together more than 300 Palestinian academics, civil society activists and political actors.3 Based on legal opinions by renowned legal scholars, including John Dugard and Richard Falk, there was consensus that, despite its limitations, IHL is an important tool for the protection of Palestinian civilians living under Israeli occupation, but that additional new legal frameworks are needed to advance the right of all Palestinians to freedom and justice, including refugee return. These frameworks include, in particular, the frameworks of (settler) colonialism, forced population transfer (ethnic cleansing), apartheid, and self-determination.4 The applicability of these frameworks is grounded in the 2004 ICJ advisory opinion on the Wall and in the reports of UN human rights treaty committees, UN Special Rapporteurs and fact-finding missions.
Colonialism, apartheid and forced population transfer,
  • Are legal frameworks which capture Israeli policies and practices and the experience of the entire Palestinian people, past and present. They cannot be applied to the OPT without reference to the discriminatory and oppressive Israeli legal and political regime that pre-dates the 1967 occupation. These frameworks, therefore, transcend the separation between 1948 Palestine and the OPT and help to overcome the fragmentation of the Palestinian people;
  • Are defined as racist regimes and policies which are absolutely prohibited in their entirety. Colonialism and apartheid result in special legal responsibility and obligations for all states. Faced with such violations, all States have three duties: to cooperate to end the violation; not to recognize the illegal situation arising from it; and not to render aid or assistance to the State committing it – which stands in stark contrast to the aid provided to Israel by the U.S. and Europe to date.5 Apartheid and forced population transfer are also criminalized and entail individual responsibility under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Resonate negatively worldwide and can serve to mobilize public opinion and political support. The language of colonialism resonates in particular with formerly colonized nations in Africa, Latin America and elsewhere. It can be used, for example, with the African Union whose political backing is needed in the UN General Assembly for an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), should the Palestinians decide to seek a second opinion, and for bringing a case to the ICC. The African Union in particular is likely to offer support due to the perceived bias of the ICC against Africans.
The above has in fact already been adopted by the Palestinian Boycott National Committee (BNC) as the legal framework guiding the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Campaign. However, the participants at the Birzeit conference highlighted the need for a much broader and longer-term Palestinian strategy on this basis. Participants welcomed proposals for a comprehensive Palestinian anti-colonial, anti-apartheid strategy for liberation that would involve members of the Palestinian human rights, legal and political community within and outside Palestine, provide answers to the important question of how the Palestinian leadership can be influenced and engaged, and garner the support of international legal and political circles and public opinion.
The conference also identified a number of outstanding questions to be resolved by experts. For example, the international law experts participating in the debates were divided over the question of whether legal action focused on the OPT would necessarily sustain or even deepen the current fragmentation of Palestine and the Palestinian people. While some experts argued that it would be best to go to the ICJ with a question about Israeli colonialism and apartheid in the OPT because there was a fair chance that the court would decide that Israel’s entire regime of prolonged occupation was illegal, others urged that Palestinians ask the ICJ to determine whether Israel’s oppressive regime over the entire Palestinian people since 1948 is a regime of apartheid. Similarly, different opinions were raised in the discussion about the option of bringing a war crime case to the ICC against Israeli officials responsible for the illegal settlements in the OPT.
These and other discussions underscore the importance of informing Palestinians everywhere, in particular civil society activists, university students and politicians, about the legal meaning and implications of the proposed frameworks of apartheid, colonialism and forced population transfer, and about the potential benefits and risks of the ICJ and ICC options. Broad public awareness, engagement and an informed public opinion about if and when Palestinians should approach the ICC and/or ICJ are the primary ingredients of a powerful new Palestinian discourse and strategy.


  1. 1IHL defined as the Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land, The Hague, 18 October 1907 (Hague Regulations) and the Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949 (Fourth Geneva Convention).
  2. 2UNGAR A/67/L.28 of 29 November 2012 admitting Palestine to the United Nations as a non-member observer State “expresses the urgent need for the resumption and acceleration of negotiations within the Middle East peace process based on the relevant United Nations resolutions, the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement between the Palestinian and Israeli sides that resolves all outstanding core issues, namely the Palestine refugees, Jerusalem, settlements, borders, security and water.”
  3. 3See also, as well as the article by Allegra Pacheco at:
  4. 4For more on the first three frameworks including their legal definition see, respectively, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1960); the human rights dimensions of population transfer, including the implantation of settlers: Preliminary report prepared by Mr. A.S. Al-Khasawneh and Mr. R. Hatano’, UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/17, 6 July 1993, paras. 15, 17; and the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (1973).
  5. 5See, Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa, “Occupation, Colonialism, Apartheid?”(2009). Executive summary at:

domenica 17 novembre 2013

Sanctions on Israel

The U.S. Needs To Apply Sanctions On Israel

The Charlatanism of Palestine-Denial

Awad Abdel Fattah intervista - Jonarhan Cook

‘It’s time for Palestinians in Israel to stand firm against the Bantustan plan of Oslo’: An interview with Awad Abdel Fattah

Tribunale Russell 16-17 marzo 2013

BRUXELLES, 16 e 17 marzo 2013

sabato 16 novembre 2013

Robben Island signatures

The international Free Marwan Barghouthi and All Palestinian Political Prisoners Campaign was launched on October 27 on Robben Island.
Proceedings began with the signing of the Robben Island Declaration calling for the freedom of Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian Political Prisoners (See attached document).
The declaration was signed in Nelson Mandela’s prison cell.  The first signatories were ex-Robben Island political prisoners, Ahmed Kathrada and the Pan Africanist Congress’s Kwedie Mkalipi, and the wife of Marwan Barghouthi, Fadwa Barghouthi. The declaration will now make its way across the globe for signatures of support.
Subsequent to the signing of the declaration, an International High Level Committee was announced in support of the campaign. The members of the committee include:
  • Ahmed Kathrada - Founder of the International High Level Committee, historical figure of the anti-apartheid movement, former prisoner for 26 years, former Advisor for Parliamentary affairs of President Mandela, former Chairperson of the Robben Island Museum Council,
  • Angela Davis - former political prisoner and icon of the civil rights movement, USA,
  • Win Tin - former political prisoner and UNESCO World press freedom prize, Burma,
  • John Bruton - Former Prime Minister, Ireland, engaged in peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, former Vice President of the European People’s Party and former Ambassador of the EU in Washington, Member of the European Former Leaders Group,
  • Lena Hjelm-Wallén - Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, Chair of International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Member of the European Former Leaders Group,
  • Christiane Hessel, wife of  Stéphane Hessel  -  French resistant against Nazi occupation and former Ambassador, writer and historical human rights figure, author of the worldwide best seller ”Indignez-vous”,
  • Arshbishop Desmond Tutu - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, South Africa
  • Jody Williams -  Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, USA
  • Adolfo Pérez Esquivel - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Argentina
  • José Ramos Horta - Former President, East Timor, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
  • Mairead Maguire - Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Northern Ireland
Speaking at the Robben Island event, Kathrada said he hopes this campaign surpasses the Free Mandela Campaign, which he launched years ago.
“Robben Island is the place where we reiterate our support for the Palestinian cause and once again echo the clear and urgent call for the release of Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian political prisoners. This place once held captive some of the future leaders of a democratic and free South Africa. Now, the call resounds from this place for the incarcerated political leaders and unity-makers of the Palestinian people to be freed.”

Kathrada also called for global pressure to be mounted against Israel.  “Just as apartheid South Africa was isolated, we want Israel to be isolated from the civilised world,” he said.
Fadwa delivered a message that was written by her husband from his Hadarim prison cell, calling on the international community to act on the human rights issue. “The international community has political, moral and legal obligations to act in defence of justice, and to uphold international law and human rights. This responsibility lies on governments, elected representatives, human rights organisations, civil society movements, trade unions and each individual citizen.”
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, although not present, sent a message of support. “I add my voice to those of Mr Kathrada’s and Mrs Baghouthi’s – and all the others around the world – who are calling on Israel to step back from the precipice of division and prejudice, and free political prisoners. Their liberation will also liberate you,” he said.
Marwan Barghouthi (54) was the first member of the Palestinian Legislative Council to be arrested by Israel. He has spent more than a decade in prison and has refused to be released conditionally, and or until all Palestinian  prisoners are free. He is widely known as the “Mandela of the Palestinian people”.
Local human rights activists Selvan Chetty, and ANC councillor Mr Sbu Danca were among the few selected local and international activists present at this historic event. Both Chetty and Danca signed the original declaration in the presence of Fadwa Bargouthi and Ahmed Kathrada.
As a peace activist, and a campaigner for human rights, it was indeed an honour and a privilege to be in the company of such great humanitarians as Fadwa and Ahmed Kathrada. I call on all peace loving South Africans to use your freedom to help the Palestinians to secure theirs.

martedì 12 novembre 2013

Martin Schulz on the guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories for EU funding.

Da: "Service d'information du citoyen" <>
Data: 12/nov/2013 13:39
Oggetto: Your message to the European Parliament REF: GEDA A(2013) 10505
A: <>

Dear Ms Costalbano,

The President of the European Parliament (EP), Mr Martin Schulz, has received your message concerning the guidelines on the eligibility of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories for EU funding.

The President has asked us, the Citizens’ Enquiry Service of the EP, to reply to you.

To avoid any misunderstanding, we would first like to clarify that no formal decision on these guidelines has been taken by the European Parliament. It was the European Commission that adopted guidelines, on 30 June 2013, concerning territorial limitations applicable from 2014 onwards to the award of EU grants, prizes and financial instruments to Israeli entities and their activities in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967.

These guidelines were prepared as a follow-up to a political decision taken by the foreign ministers of the EU Member States at the EU Foreign Affairs Council of 10 December 2012. This stated that, "all agreements between the State of Israel and the EU must unequivocally and explicitly indicate their inapplicability to the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, namely the Golan Heights, the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip." You can find more information about the adoption of the guidelines in the following statement by the Delegation of the European Union to Israel:

The European Parliament was thus not directly involved in the adoption of these guidelines. Nevertheless, it makes reference to them, and at the same time strongly condemns Israel's settlement activity in the Palestinian territories, in its resolution of 23 October 2013 on the European Neighbourhood Policy, in which the EP "welcomes the resumption of direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians; stresses its commitment to a two-state solution, based on the 1967 borders, with mutually agreed land swaps and Jerusalem being the capital city of both states; expresses its disapproval and repeated condemnation of the increasing number of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, and calls on the Government of Israel to cease settlement activity and cancel all planned projects for building new settlements; recalls vehemently that the building of settlements is a tangible obstacle to the success of both the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians and the viability of the two-state solution; and draws attention to the guidelines which the EU has laid down concerning the eligibility for grants, prizes and EU-funded financial instruments, from 2014 onwards, of Israeli entities established in the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967 and the activities they carry on there" (Article 84).

You can access the full resolution at the following link:

During the plenary debate about this resolution on 22 October – in which Martin Schulz didn't participate himself – Irish Member of the EP Emer Costello (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats) spoke about the guidelines. A video recording of her speech, which naturally reflects her personal opinion and not necessarily that of the EP as a whole, is available at the following link:

Concerning the peace process in general, President Schulz lays great hope in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks resumed this summer. In a statement he made on 29 July, he welcomed the resumption of direct negotiations, saying: "The European Parliament will continue to support all efforts aimed at reaching an agreement on all final status issues, ending all claims, and fulfilling the legitimate aspirations of both parties with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security and mutual recognition." You can read his full statement at the following link:

We hope the above information will be useful and thank you for your trust in the European Parliament and its President.

Yours sincerely,

Citizens' Enquiry Service
European Parliament

Please note that the information given by the Citizens' Enquiry Service of the European Parliament is not legally binding

venerdì 8 novembre 2013

Leibowitz, whom Isaiah Berlin called “the conscience of Israel”

Aprile 1968 - Leibowitz, whom Isaiah Berlin called “the conscience of Israel”:
“Our situation will deteriorate to that of a second Vietnam, to a war in constant escalation without prospect of ultimate resolution.”  “the Arabs would be the working people and the Jews the administrators, inspectors, officials, and police—mainly secret police. A state ruling a hostile population of 1.5 million to 2 million foreigners would necessarily become a secret-police state, with all that this implies for education, free speech and democratic institutions. The corruption characteristic of every colonial regime would also prevail in the State of Israel. The administration would have to suppress Arab insurgency on the one hand and acquire Arab Quislings [Vidkun Quisling who assisted Nazi Germany as it conquered his own country so that he could rule the collaborationist Norwegian government himself] on the other. There is also good reason to fear that the Israel Defense Force, which has been until now a people’s army, would, as a result of being transformed into an army of occupation, degenerate, and its commanders, who will have become military governors, resemble their colleagues in other nations.” He warned that the rise of a virulent racism would consume Israeli society. He knew that prolonged occupation of the Palestinians would spawn “concentration camps” for the occupied and that, in his words, “Israel would not deserve to exist, and it will not be worthwhile to preserve it.”
Aprile 1968 - "Uno stato che governi una popolazione ostile composta da 1,5-2 milioni di stranieri [il numero dei palestinesi allora presenti nei Territori occupati] sarà forzatamente uno stato Shin Bet [Servizio di sicurezza], con tutto ciò che questo significa per la cultura, la libertà di parola, la libertà di pensiero e democrazia. Israele sarà contagiata dalla corruzione tipica di ogni regime coloniale e l'amministrazione si troverà costretta, da una parte, a reprimere i movimenti arabi di protesta e, dall'altra, a reclutare collaborazionisti [ Vidkun Quisling collaborazionista, messosi al servizio di Hitler e delle forze armate tedesche che all'inizio della Seconda guerra mondiale avevano occupato la Norvegia. Durante l'invasione, capeggiò un governo fantoccio che aveva il compito di tradurre in atto la volontà degli occupanti] arabi. Anche l'esercito, che finora è stato l'esercito del popolo, si ridurrà a essere un esercito di occupazione e i suoi ufficiali, trasformati in governatori militari, non saranno diversi da tutti gli altri governatori militari nel monso".
citato in Tanya Reinhart, Distruggere la Palestin, La politica israeliana dopo il 1948, Marco Tropea Editore, 2002

giovedì 7 novembre 2013

Robben Island Declaration for the Freedom of Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian Prisoners

Full text of Historic Robben Island Declaration for the Freedom of Marwan Barghouthi and all Palestinian Prisoners

Tutu campagna “Free Marwan Barghouti

Archbishop-emeritus Tutu’s statement in support of “Free Marwan Barghouti” campaign